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Anxiety Is the Alarm Clock for Your Awakening

March 11, 2025

In my previous blog, I explored the concept of The Divine Absurd—how embracing life’s paradoxes can lead to true freedom. Today, I want to take that further by looking at existential anxiety or dread, not as a curse, but as an essential part of our awakening. Instead of seeing it as an enemy, what if we treated anxiety as a guide—an unlikely but trusted companion on the journey of transformation? 

Let’s be honest: if you don’t experience anxiety in today’s chaotic world, congratulations—you either live in a Himalayan cave or you’re a fully realized sage who can walk on water. But for the rest of us still on the path, myself included, anxiety is a frequent visitor. It arrives uninvited, rattling the doors of our mind, demanding to be acknowledged. And maybe—just maybe—that’s exactly what it’s meant to do. In this blog, you'll discover a powerful process for transforming anxiety from a source of suffering into a tool for growth and awakening.

Have You Been Hitting Snooze on Your Life?

Have you ever buried anxiety under paralysis? Have you ever suppressed it with drugs, alcohol, or mindless distractions? Have you ever let society lull you into numbness, following the herd because it was easier than facing the trembling voice inside you?

Anxiety is the alarm clock of the soul—a wake-up call from the great beyond, shaking us out of illusion and into clarity. Ignore it, and you risk sleepwalking through life. Worse, you risk becoming like Ivan Ilyich in Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich—a man who, only at the end, realizes he has lived the wrong life, a hollow existence dictated by convention instead of authenticity.

But what if, instead of silencing anxiety, you listened to it? What if anxiety was the doorway to your awakening?

My Story: How Failing the MCAT Awakened Me

I was a double major in biology and philosophy, thriving academically with a 3.7 GPA. My entire future as a doctor hinged on one thing: passing the MCAT. I studied obsessively. I told myself failure was not an option.

And then, the night before the exam, I didn’t sleep. Not a single minute. My mind raced, my chest tightened, my body felt like it was vibrating from the weight of expectation. I walked into the test in a fog, my spirit drained, and I failed.

It felt like my dreams had cracked wide open. But in that moment of despair, I asked myself:

What is this anxiety trying to show me?

Instead of drowning in self-pity, I turned inward. That’s when I discovered mindfulness and meditation. Their teachings became my refuge. That summer, I took it even further—I traveled to the ashram of Swami Jyotirmayananda, where I immersed myself in meditation, stripping away everything I thought I knew about control and surrender.

And something miraculous happened.

Anxiety stopped being the enemy. It became my teacher. Instead of fearing it, I sat with it. I witnessed it. I learned that anxiety wasn’t there to torment me—it was pointing me toward growth.

When I retook the MCAT, I wasn’t just more prepared academically—I was a different person. Meditation and mindfulness had rewired my entire approach to stress, focus, and self-mastery. I passed. And for the past 28 years, meditation has remained at the core of my life and medical practice.

Anxiety: The Battle Between Fear and Reality

We’ve been conditioned to see anxiety as something to be erased. But what if we saw it instead as the tension between who we are and who we become?

  • In Buddhism, suffering (dukkha) arises from attachment to things that are impermanent. Anxiety reminds us of this impermanence—it shakes us awake from the illusion of control.

  • In existentialism, anxiety is the dizziness of freedom. It is what we feel when we realize we alone create meaning in our lives. Your thoughts create your experience.

  • In The Divine Absurd, anxiety is both—it is the tremor of awakening, the great revealer that forces us to choose: Will you numb yourself into conformity, or will you wake up and live freely?

Think about it: anxiety preceded every moment of transformation in your life. The tension before a significant decision. The fear before a leap into the unknown. The discomfort before a breakthrough. Anxiety is the signpost pointing to your evolution.

The Fourfold Path: W.E.L.L. – From Anxiety to Awakening

Instead of running from anxiety, we can use it as a tool for transformation. In The Divine Absurd, we follow a fourfold path—WELL:

1. Witness Anxiety

Instead of resisting it, observe it. Where do you feel it in your body? What thoughts is it triggering? Anxiety is impermanent—when you sit with it, it loosens its grip.

2. Engage With Anxiety

Ask yourself: What is this anxiety trying to show me? Is it revealing a path you’re too afraid to take? A truth you’ve been avoiding? Anxiety is a compass—it points to the places where your soul grows.

3. Laugh at Anxiety

In the end, life is both deeply meaningful and utterly absurd. The universe is not handing you a script—it’s inviting you to play, experiment, and create. When you see anxiety for what it is—not a curse, but a cosmic invitation—you can laugh in its face and move forward with courage. It's a healing experience.

4. Love Yourself Through Anxiety

Anxiety will come and go, and it may never fully disappear—but love yourself anyway. Trust that anxiety, like all things, has a beginning, a middle, and an end. And when it rises, instead of fearing it, befriend it.

When you do, anxiety stops being a tormentor and becomes a guide. Like a wise teacher, it will still challenge you, still shake you awake—but now, you will know how to listen.

Don’t Die With Your Music Still Inside You

There is music inside you. A song, a vision, a purpose that only you can bring into the world. But so many people let fear and anxiety silence that music. They trade passion for security, creativity for comfort, truth for approval.

Don’t be one of them. Let us not be a sheep that fall asleep.

The alarm clock is ringing. Will you hit snooze and go back to sleep?

Or will you wake up, embrace the tension, and step fully into your new life?

Anxiety is not here to destroy you. It is here to wake you up. It is here to ignite a 

transformation within you, guiding you toward your highest, most authentic self.

Disclaimer: The medical stories shared by the author are based on real patient encounters. All patient identifiers and medical facts have been removed and altered to such a degree that you are reading a work of fiction. Therefore the stories shared are merely to entertain you. However, for the astute reader you may find powerful and profound lessons for living. These messages of universal truth should not be construed as medical advice, but feel free to use them as free Cuban soul spice to live your truth.


The Art of Being Broken and Beautiful

March 6, 2025

The Absurdity of Existence: The Art of Being Broken and Beautiful

I would like to share with you a story of how a doctor's dreams were shattered and then rebuilt. But first, let us explore Kintsugi: The Beauty of Your Cracks.

There is an ancient Japanese art called Kintsugi—the practice of repairing broken pottery with gold. The philosophy is simple yet profound: the cracks are not flaws to be hidden, but wounds to be honored. Instead of discarding the shattered, Kintsugi turns the broken int...

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The Illusion of Your 2025 New Years Resolution!

January 11, 2025

Click on the link to my new PodCast below.

Blog: Dr. Gutierrez’s Guide to Tuning Your Life for Lasting Health and Happiness

What if achieving your New Year’s resolution wasn’t the path to happiness, but rather a detour into stress and self-sabotage? Dr. Orestes Gutierrez, a renowned osteopathic physician and expert in holistic health, is here to share a revolutionary approach to goals. Drawing on both ancien...

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Red Light Therapy and Near-Infrared Therapy

February 8, 2024

Holistic Family Medicine is thrilled to offer Medical Marvels of Red Light Therapy and Near-Infrared Light! You can now schedule your 10 minute session as part of your office visit with your provider. Research shows red light therapy and near-infrared can not only help at the superficial skin and collagen health but also deeper tissues to reduce inflammation and pain and promote cellular healing.  Visit our website to schedule or call 458 205 5907. https://www.drorestesg.com/schedule-online.p...

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12 Week Transformation Plan: The Menu For the New You!

December 15, 2023

With Providers OG, John, Anne Marie & Wendy!

First 24 patients to sign up for 2024 by Dec 24! Read below for specific details of our 12 week plan and More!

Before and After measurements of health GAINS is what we After

The Transformation last Jan 1st to April 1st…for those who reply First!

No April Fools, We got the Tools! (Health Gains Measured April 1st)

12 week Ride, with or without Semaglutide

What’s Trendy & Healthy? Come see Wendy & Anne Marie!

Put a Pause on Menopause with Anne Marie Mo...

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Harnessing the Power of Chiropractic Medicine and Clinical Electrotherapy for Pain Relief

October 12, 2023

Title: Harnessing the Power of Chiropractic Medicine and Clinical Electrotherapy for

Pain Relief


Pain, a universal human experience, can disrupt our daily lives, hinder our productivity,

and diminish our overall well-being. In the pursuit of effective pain management, various

therapies have emerged, each offering unique approaches to alleviate discomfort.

Chiropractors are licensed to use electrotherapy, and ultrasound therapy, which have

been around for years and are non-invasive,...

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Exciting News at Holistic Family Medicine

September 5, 2023

Dear Patients,

We are thrilled to announce that Dr. John Cherveny, Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine, will join our team on October 1st, 2023! 

He comes with a wealth of experience and a passion for helping folks heal with natural evidence-based modalities. 

Dr. John Cherveny specializes in the following areas:

  • Musculoskeletal Pain

  • Auto Accident Care

  • Ergonomic Evaluations

  • Spinal Disc Injuries

  • Headaches

  • Whiplash Rehabilitation

  • Neck Pain

  • Work Injuries

  • Repetitive Use Conditions

  • Peak Performance

  • Sports Medicine

  • H...

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Women’s Anti-aging with Hormone Replacement Therapy

September 4, 2023

The Role of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) offers a powerful solution to mitigate the discomfort and distress associated with menopause. HRT involves supplementing the body with synthetic or bio-identical hormones to replenish the declining estrogen and progesterone levels.

Alleviating Physical Symptoms: HRT effectively reduces the severity and frequency of hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness. This provides immense relief to menopausal women, helping th...

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How a Vegan became World Class!?

June 22, 2023

To see me bench 225 pounds for seven reps like I'm 29, check out my instagram page @ogvegandoctor

As a physician who has found a deep passion about both medicine and fitness, I firmly believe in the importance of maintaining a healthy and strong body as it decreases risk of chronic disease, decreases stress, and improves longevity. Gaining muscle mass can not only give you those washboard abs everyone wants, but also helps you live longer and happier. In this blog post, I will share valuable i...

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Juneteenth & 1717!!

June 19, 2023

As a doctor with Afro-Cuban roots, as you can see in my son Boone, diversity and inclusion are deeply ingrained in my personal and professional values. I believe that it is essential to celebrate and embrace the rich cultural tapestry that makes up our society. Today, I want to shed light on Juneteenth, a significant holiday in African American history, and share my perspective as a healthcare professional with my aforementioned heritage. By spreading ...

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About Me

Orestes Gutierrez, D.O. Board Certified in Family Medicine and Integrative Holistic Medicine. Author and All American Masters Runner.