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The Remedy for Cataclysmic Stressors

March 1, 2016

“There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle: you can live as if everything is a miracle.”

Albert Einstein

There are three universal stressors that affect all human beings. As discussed in my previous blog, the three Universal stressors are cataclysmic, objective, and subjective stress. We will examine a specific remedy to treat cataclysmic stressors.  Arguably, the man who has faced the most significant stressors in the world was Dr. Viktor Frankl. He endured the horrors of a Nazi concentration camp and amazingly survived by remaining positive. In Dr. Frankl’s classic book, Man’s Search For Meaning he states, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms--to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”  Let us explore this further.

Cataclysmic stressors are tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, volcanic eruption, wildfires, etc.  However, in today’s society we can include mass shootings and acts of terror as cataclysmic stressors.  These events are unpredictable and cause loss of life and great pain and suffering for those directly involved. Is there a scientific principle that those who are not directly involved can employ to help diminish stress? Yes. The remedies are a Universal Prayer for Peace or a loving-kindness meditation. In his classic work “Healing Words,” Larry Dossey, M.D. discusses the scientific evidence for the healing power of prayer.  There are countless Universal Prayers for Peace from many different religious traditions. In essence, through these scientific practices you are wishing someone well and expressing compassion for them. Also, you are expressing gratitude. Science has shown that wishing others well and expressing gratitude confers a plethora of health benefits for the individual. When you wish others well through a loving kindness meditation, you are improving your brain's health through neuroplasticity. The next time you turn on the T.V. or read the newspaper and hear about a cataclysmic event, do the following loving kindness meditation: Visualize the people experiencing the cataclysmic stressor in your mind’s eye and say, “May you be happy. May you be at peace. May you be free from suffering.”  Repeat this powerful loving-kindness meditation silently three times.  This practice will immediately bring healing.  However, if you are a politician that can change the law, or a soldier fighting terrorism, or a philanthropic millionaire, you may have the power and resources to directly alleviate world suffering.  But the common citizen can immediately reduce stress and bring about healing by silently repeating a Universal Prayer for Peace or performing a loving-kindness meditation.

In my recently published book, Three Steps To Superior Health: An Evidence-Based Guide for Stress Reduction, Longevity, and Weight Loss, I discuss formal and informal meditation techniques for dealing with life’s stressors. Also, you can download a free workbook, that takes you step by step on a 12 week plan to Superior Health!  The upcoming blog will focus on subjective, perceived mental stress.  


Three Universal Stressors

January 26, 2016

The human brain is hard-wired for pleasure, pain, and bliss. (As discussed in my video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcBZ9r1f_Yk) Recently, through functional MRI scans of the brain, scientists have discovered the default mode network of the human brain is mind wandering. Mind wandering promotes subjective mental stress and unhappiness. During waking hours, as high as 80% of the time, the human brain is thinking about the past and future. This rumination leads to mental stress and dissat...

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Resolution For 2016: Do Not Commit Crimes Against Wisdom.

January 1, 2016

My resolution upon entering medical school, was not only to learn the best of Western Medicine, but to study integrative holistic medicine on my own time. During my self study, I came across the most powerful phrase in all of medicine:

To know something is bad for you and to do it anyway is a CRIME AGAINST WISDOM.

How many people know that smoking is bad for them but do it anyway?  How many people know that exercising is good for them but do not exercise? How many people realize they have a s...

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Stomach Balloon For Weight Loss Versus Mindful Eating

August 6, 2015

It is fascinating to note the extreme measures humans will take to attain their ideal body weight. The human species has resorted to toxic starvation diets, 2,4-Dinitrophenol, ephedra, hydroxycut, fen-phen, excessive caffeinated beverages or pills, herbal xenicol, phenteramine, and meridia just to name a few.  These supplements can lead to death. Although most have been banned they continue to be abused in the black market.  If taking a pill that can lead to death sounds too risky, examine ga...

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Seattle Will Be Underwater, And Your Stress is At Full Throttle

July 15, 2015

A recent article published in the The New Yorker titled, “The Really Big One”, is predicting the worst natural disaster in the history of North America.  The article predicts that any day now, the Cascadia earthquake and tsunami may strike, and in geologic time, we are overdue. FEMA projects that this natural disaster will kill 13,000 people, injure 27,000, and displace millions.  The odds are one in three that this cataclysmic event will happen in the next 50 years. Due to the lack of a...

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Our Last 24 Hours On Earth

June 2, 2015

I awake at my usual zero dark thirty.  The routine is simple: brush teeth, make coffee, and use the restroom. Then I do my formal breathing meditation practice, kiss the wifey, and prepare to start the day.  There is a strange and eerie feeling about this morning.  As I sip on my hot coffee, my eye catches the NY Times headline news that is startling:  “Humans Have 24 Hours Left To Live:  Life On Earth Will Be Annihilated By A Massive Asteroid!”  Utterly shocked, I reread the headline fiv...

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My 39th Birthday: Surprises and Sudden Death From Blue Jeans.

May 17, 2015

On the eve of my 39th birthday, we sojourned to the majestic Oregon coast, our first camping trip of the season.  Little did I know, I would have a near death experience. Indeed, the truth is stranger than fiction.  A perfect weekend to get away, my body was sore(trashed) from a hard ½ marathon 5 days prior. Surely, I had ruptured muscle tissues, especially my quads and soleus, a mild case of rhabdomyolysis no doubt. The legs were effectively mummified. It was not an issue. My full intentio...

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Medicine for the Soul: Eugene's Religion

May 14, 2015

On Mother's Day, May 10th, 2015, I ran the Eugene 1/2 Marathon. On this blessed day, I had a divine revelation...some would say a “religious experience”.  Paradoxically, agony and ecstasy cohabited my body temple for 13.1 miles. The image above is from mile number nine of named race.  As one can plainly see from the countenance on my corpse, I still had 4 miles left of racing, and I was already suffering immensely. The suffering was not from an imminent bowel movement engendered by high v...

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Paleo Diet Ranked Dead Last: Avoid Being Dead Fast!

April 29, 2015

Americans are obsessed with diet fads. The latest one is the popular paleo diet.  The U.S. News and World Report recently had a panel of health experts rank 35 diets in terms of safety, nutrition, weight loss and protection against diabetes and heart disease. The Paleo Diet ranked DEAD LAST!  Eat Paleo and you risk being DEAD FAST, according to the statistics!  The leading cause of death in America for the past 100 years is heart disease. It kills 1 in 4.  The high meat consumption advocated...

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Heart Disease Is Preventable and Reversible

March 4, 2015

Cardiovascular disease is a global epidemic.  In America, it has been the #1 leading cause of death for an astounding  93 consecutive years and counting!  Since 1901, it ranks in the top 3 leading causes of death. In most developed countries, the leading cause of death is cardiovascular disease.  The prevalence of heart disease is also increasing in developing countries. We have known for years, heart disease starts at a very early age as conclusively shown by the Korean Soldier study. In thi...

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About Me

Orestes Gutierrez, D.O. Board Certified in Family Medicine and Integrative Holistic Medicine. Author and All American Masters Runner.